Tuesday 9 November 2010

Sammy Scott Aerated Water, Kuala Lumpur

Sempena lawatan H. R. H. The Prince of Wales ke Selangor maka lahirlah buku cenderahati 'ByGone Selangor' oleh 'Rimba' yang dikeluarkan pada 26 Mac 1922. Buku ini ada menceritakan seorang kenamaan Eropah yang bernama "Sammy" Scott. Sammy yang berasal dari Scotland telah menetap di Malaya sejak 1880an lagi. Yang menariknya, sebagai seorang ahli kimia terkenal, beliau merupakan orang yang pertama membuka kilang ais dan aerated water di Kuala Lumpur. Di kilang Brickfields, Sammy berjaya menghasilkan berbagai jenis minuman tetapi tidak membuahkan keuntungan dan beliau sendiri terpaksa menutup perniagaan tersebut. Tidak dijelaskan jenama dan mengapa aerated water Sammy Scott tidak begitu popular di Kuala Lumpur pada masa itu. Hari ini kalau anda ke Brickfields, anda akan menjumpai jalan yang dinamakan Jalan Scott :)

Local Notabilities # We still are glad to have among us "Sammy" Scott, the well known Chemist who opened about the first ice works and aerated water factory in Kuala Lumpur on the Brickfields Road where there is a road named after him. He regaled us with such rare drinks as potash, lithia and seltzer waters, sparkling fever tonic etc; but it is surprising to relate that neither the ice works nor the pop factory paid, and had to be reluctantly closed down by "Sammy". His last "pill" shop as a Cash Chemist was at the junction of High and Klyne Streets and he sold out only a few years ago, and was much missed in the business life of the city, which he enlivened with his canstic wit and ready humour. We wish him long life as he did a deal of good quietly and was a very sincere friend. He is about one of the oldest European residents and has never been back to Scotland since he came out in the eighties. He recently went to Australia for a few months.

Gambar hiasan (© Copyright Hampshire County Council). Kenderaan serupa jenis 'Thornycroft' yang mungkin digunakan di Kuala Lumpur pada era itu.

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